The upgrade from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 is a big one. This post is all about the considerations that you should be making and how to plan to start the process!
I’m constantly amazed by the lack of automation and code review I find on development teams. This article digs into what pieces should be included and why they are so critical.
Composer is a very powerful tool, but using it effectively requires some additional and non-trivial components to your project. Let’s dig into Composer and Continuous Integration!
How do you install Composer 2 if you can’t overwrite system binaries or run composer self-update? This article will cover continuous integration work arounds!
Defining a Devops process for your team (and project) are critical components to success. This article digs into my 10 recommended steps to include in your continuous integration builds for Drupal 9 sites.