Looking back at 2020

2020 has been a really tough year for so many people. I’m thankful that my family, friends, and colleagues have, by and large, weathered the storm. Because I’ve spent so much time in lock down I’ve had a lot of time on my hands, and this blog turned out to be a great use of that time. The engagements I’ve had with so many of you readers on Slack, social media, and online at conferences has been so so encouraging and I am beyond thankful for the positive interactions! More than once I’ve been chatting with someone and said “oh I actually wrote an article on that topic” and they responded “I know, I read it!” That’s so cool! And I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. The engagement this year on the site has been beyond anything in my wildest dreams and I’m really excited to go into 2021 with that energy.

I’ve written on a lot of topics this year, and as we close out 2020 I wanted to take a moment and look back at a few of them. Literally thousands of people from around the world have taken the time to visit mikemadison.net and read articles over the course of the last six months (since I started really actively blogging over the summer).

By far the most popular content I’ve written this year was related to composer:

  1. https://mikemadison.net/blog/2020/8/13/troubleshooting-composer-out-of-memory-errors

  2. https://mikemadison.net/blog/2020/10/14/how-and-why-to-update-to-composer-2

  3. https://mikemadison.net/blog/2020/8/18/resolving-composerlock-git-merge-conflicts

The most popular Drupal content was:

  1. Introduction to the Drupal Spec Tool

  2. The 9 Drupal Modules I use on Every Build

  3. Tutorial for Writing Your First Drupal 9 Module

Several of the articles I’ve written have also been reused in other mediums. Thanks to the LinkedIn community for helping my article on technical interviewing and hiring trend for a few days and to Acquia for reposting a number of my articles on their main and developer blogs!

I was also privileged to speak at a number of conferences and events remotely this year including:

  • Drupalcon Europe (December 2020)

  • Drupal NoVA (November 2020)

  • Acquia Engage (October 2020)

  • Drupal GovCon (September 2020)

  • Drupal4Gov Webinar (August 2020)

I am actively looking for opportunities in 2021 and if you are interested in having me present on a topic or join you for a user group meeting / conference / etc. please let me know! Due to Covid 19 I assume that I will be unable to travel for the majority of the year, so these should be remote presentations.

I hope you and your families have a happy, safe, and healthy new year. I’m so excited about 2021. There are already some incredible things planned (for those of you in the Drupal-sphere):

Are there topics you wish I’d covered this year? Is there something you want to see more (or less) of? Let me know! I’m definitely interested in what will help all of you in your day-to-day.

Thank you again for this bright point in 2020. Looking forward to spending more time with you in 2021.


Photo by Travel Photographer from StockSnap