Tech Jobs

10 Tips for Successfully Working Remotely in 2020

10 Tips for Successfully Working Remotely in 2020

2020 has been a year of significant and chaotic change for many companies and workers as they transition into remote work. For some of us though, working from home has been a normal part of the routine for years (and for me personally, the majority of my career has involved at least some, if not full time, remote work). Here are a few tips for doing it successfully!

The Thing That Annoys Me Most As a Hiring Manager Interviewing Developers

The Thing That Annoys Me Most As a Hiring Manager Interviewing Developers

A big part of my role in the hiring process is to talk about the code sample you’ve provided. In fact, I’ve conducted nearly every code review interview for Acquia’s Professional Services team (in North America) for the last year and a half! By no means have we hired everyone that I’ve interviewed. A lot of people don’t make it past this part of the interview process. (So, it’s pretty important to get it right if you want a job.) Let’s talk about what that means and how you can ace that part of the interview.