Drupal GovCon 2020 Schedule

I’m so pleased to announce that I had two sessions accepted to this year’s Drupal GovCon! The schedule just went live a few days ago and if you haven’t had a chance to check it out, you totally should GovCon is one of the largest Drupal camps in the US. It’s always free, but because of its location in Bethesda and focus on government it’s often overlooked. This year since it’s entirely remote (and still free) I highly recommend that you take the opportunity to register and attend the conference on September 24th and 25th.

This post is a quick preview of the sessions I’ll be giving at the con. If you aren’t able to attend in person, they will be recorded and I’ll share those on the site once they are available on YouTube.

My First IDE

This session will be Thursday 9/24 at 3:30pm EDT.

IDEs are an incredibly powerful tool. They are also an incredibly complex and intimidating tool if you've never used one (or are new to them). However as you tread more into Drupal 8 and 9, an IDE is a critical tool that will drastically impact your ability to write functional code. The difference in code quality / functionality / usability written in an IDE vs. code written in a text editor (e.g. Sublime) or terminal (e.g. VIM) is obvious and on more than one occasion I have "fixed" broken code that someone else wrote just by opening it in a Drupal project in my IDE and reading things that the original developer's "other tool" didn't show!

view more information on drupalgovcon.org

Automated Accessibility Testing: Using Pa11y and Continuous Integration Primary tabs

This session will be Friday 9/24 at 3:30pm EDT.

Accessibility is a critical component of any modern website (and double so for government sites). This session is all about building a safety net for your site / platform to ensure that you do not regress the accessibility of your site as you continue to make improvements, fix bugs, develop new features, and apply updates.

view more information on drupalgovcon.org

In Conclusion

If you haven’t noticed (or are new to the blog) I reference the Drupal GovCon codebase all the time. I’m really proud of the work our team (of volunteers) does to keep this site up and running and we work hard to keep it open so that folks like you can reference it and see how it works!

If you haven’t participated in GovCon before, this is definitely a great year to give it a whirl. You don’t have to travel and it’s still free. Come check it out!